Zinnia and The Original People ebook


In the year 2244, long after the governments of the world united, Zinnia and her sister May set out on a hunt for answers to their father’s disappearance. With the discovery of The Fountain of Youth, which caused people to age slower and live longer, a world that became overpopulated drove the government to convince the citizens that through transfer pods you don’t die, you just go on to your new life. With the help of her sister and best friend Lilly they discover a secret underground colony called TOP (The Original People) just months before their planned government takeover. Using the clues left by their father and the help of super intelligent birds, the girls assist in the government takeover while also uncovering even more government secrets


Family and Friendship

A sisterly bond alongside a strong friendship gives this story the warmth and love a good Sci-Fi needs. It is their love for one another that drives them forward each step of the way, but will that be enough to get them through the terrible troubles that lie ahead?


What does it mean to be courageous? You don't have to battle dragons, or wrestle with alligators to be considered courageous. No matter how small the task, if you are afraid and you do it anyway, that's courageous. Be afraid and do it anyway.

Standing Up For The Truth

"The people deserve the truth and the option to choose their own beliefs. It might be uncomfortable, but there's no way I could know the truth and not try to bring it to the people of New Life. You have to stand up for the truth."

-Zinnia Waters

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Paperback, e-Book

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“This has been going on for long enough! This is war! You’re either on our side or in our way. WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL WE HAVE TAKEN EVERY LAST TRANSFER POD DOWN!”

Zinnia Waters

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